Here's one dedicated straight to someone I really care about, Steph.
Well, it's pretty hard to write a kind of open letter, even cuz this is not exactly and "open letter", it's just a something I want to say, something I want to share with my "twin sister"
Well, it's pretty hard to write a kind of open letter, even cuz this is not exactly and "open letter", it's just a something I want to say, something I want to share with my "twin sister"
A "Yes Girl"... I've been thinking about it... And thought that being a "yes person" can be one of the most precious things we can have and do.
But what does that mean? What's the mening of being a "yes girl"? I learned it means to say "Yes!" to whatever comes up our way, to every chance you get, without thinking too much, to take in, accept, welcome every little thing! You may get the chance to learn karate...just say Yes! and do it; you may find on your way a Chinese language course... just say Yes! and do it; you may have the chance to talk or help someone... just say Yes! and do it!
It does not mean to do things in a silly way, it doesn't mean to do dangerous things, it simply means to not be greedy, not being afraid, to be opened to whatever Life offers, and I know Life can give us alot, many gift and precious things, little things, each day!
So why wasting our time thinking about what to do or about what not to do? Let's go with the flow, let's live it now, let's live for the moment... It's never too late to start dealing with this "Yes system".
I learned and started few months ago, I had a kind of "trial period", and I realised that it was a good way to live life in a different way from what I used to do and it brought me to another level, to another way of enjoying life. Now I'm more chilled, I live better and I simply can smile and laugh twice more than before!!!
If you decided to start with some "yes", then it means you may get closer to this new lifestyle as well, who knows...? And I don't know if you are or not, but for sure, I think you're making a little step in this direction, even if you don't know it yet prbably! And if you are, then... well, I can assure you won't regret it. Let yourself go, let your haird down, do not think too much, don't think... just feel. Start feeling, and when you start feeling, every feeling will simple be the purest one you can touch with your heart, it'll feel spontaneous, new, honest. It'll come easy and you won't have to change your self being, because that's what you have already inside, just by applying a "yes style", you may simply find out it can shine more and more and be shown more and more to all of the others who still can't see that. And all you have to do is... "say yes!"
You won't regret things if you firmly believe that a yes won't hurt. Consequences... yeah, that's what we always think about, but you know what? Consequences will come both if you say no or yes, so what's the point in that? Why living by saying no, by not willing to live as brave, when eventually things may lead to two different, yes, but still maybe hard way? That's in the worst case I suppose... because at least then, if you say Yes!, you can say you enjoyed the ride and had a laugh! ;) I'm sure...
So... I'm not someone who can teach to someone else how to live, but I only try to speak through my expericence and through love and sensitivity, and sharing this pearl I found out myself, was something I felt to do after you told me you were starting off "accepting songs coming up on your MP3 player shuffle playing". This concept perfectly fits in here...accepting without getting hurt.
So what you waiting for?
I love you,
Ps. Sorry if I couldn't really express what I wanted to say... I hope you don't take anything wrong...!
Ps2. And then... I'm not the only one claiming that saying YES could bring to good and pleasant things... *whistles* hihihihihi
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