Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Jonny from Scotland"

Yesterday I had a more important blog to post, and little time to post other things... so I thought today I needed to get some things done... and for example had to write down this story.

I met a guy...a guy from Scotland...but let me take you back to the start! It all began few weeks ago...
First of all, on Mondays, when I'm at uni, having classes, I have a lunch break at 1, and me and my friends always go to the same place to buy something to eat and then we go somewhere finding a place to sit and then just eat, have a chat or whatever. Few weeks ago I was in this fast food shop and we were waiting to order a slice of pizza and this guy just came close to where we were to order some food as well.
I noticed he didn't look italian at all, but more like a British guy or whatever. Me and my dearest friend, Steph, both thought he probably was from the UK, and we observed him while he was standing there and ordering a pizza..and he did in a funny italian accent which made him sound lovely and veeeeeeeeery sweet and I was really like *_* "oh my god, he's sooo sweet."

The monday after I saw him again, and the one after again, and so on for a couple of weekd, and you know, everytime he was just in the street going to that fast food shop. I had never met him like face to face or side by side tho!

But then something happened...Yesterday we had an extra free hour for lunch cuz teacher was missing, so we went buying a present for another friend of mine and after that it was just 1pm, so we were like, "ok, lets wait for Chiara and Serena to meet us here and then we all get in getting some food".
My girls arrived and we got in the shop, bought things and then got out. We were on the sidewalk, ready to cross the street when I saw this guy again, coming up our way. So I was like "oh my god, I missed him today in the shop once again! He's so cute!" and my friends started pushing me, telling me like, "hey, just go and meet him, you're eyes are shiny! just go and find a way to hook him up!" and all of those things a group of girls would say!
I said I was not sure and all, I mean, I was divided in two: "go or not go? he's nice and I want to meet him-it's just strange to go and meet someone like that!"; these were the things crossing my mind, because of course it was pretty weird to just go to a guy and say, hey, how you doing? I'm Mary!
But eventually they really pushed me and so I got back in the shop, pretending I had to buy something else, and he was there!

I had my heart beating faster, I was getting a little bit shy and nervous! So I stood there, looking in his direction and then he came closer, trying to get in the cash line, so he could pay and go away, but I was very close to that one, so he thought I had to pay, but I was simply waiting (hihihi) and I looked at him from time to time and probably he felt that and looked back when I put my eyes down... I felt bit shy, and I really couldn't figure out what to do, for a moment I felt quite stupid and wished for my friends to be there to back me up, and I was about just ging out and give up about all! I mean, he was a stranger, a complete stranger! I saw him four times maybe while he was just walking in the street, so what was going on maybe had no sense at all, but eventually I thought "hey, here's a chance, who cares what's gonna happen? Say Yes and go!"...and surprise...we got side to side!
I was cold sweating *lol*
...somehow we looked into each other eyes and we both wanted to say something, like I wanted to tell him he could go first and he wanted to ask me if I had to pay... but we both couldn't speak, then we smiled, had a little giggle, out of nothing, and he told me something in Italian, but I couldn't really understand what he said, so I simply told him, "please, go" and then simply asked him "where you from?" and he replied he was from Scotland, I said "oh wow!", I think I looked pretty amazed and so I took my chance to ask him a couple of questions like his age and what he is doing here in Italy. He answered, smile, told me something bout my english and making comments 'bout his italian, he made a joke, I made a joke and said I could help him out with Italian if he helped me with my English, and all we did was giggling! Then before he left we introduced each other and his name's Jonny... when he shook my hand I felt something!

it was soooooooo weird!!!!

I mean, I've seen him maybe four times including yesterday? And I talked to him just yesterday for the first time for like 2 minutes.

Before leaving he said: "well, I guess I'll see you around soon, bye" ...and left!
My friends saw him going out the shop and I was still inside and one of them after 5 minutes came in to see if I was ok! lol They thought I fainted or smth! I got out the shop like all blushed, shy, but really like...wow! I was super excited and happy!

What I felt was just a funny feeling, nothing more, but it's always nice to meet someone. and it was even nicer to see how that happened! His grey-blue eyes were so nice, and he had a witty look.
Of course nothing's expected to happen and I'm sure nothing will happen! That's reality, that's real talk and this is not a movie.
The only thing I'm wondering is... will I ever see him again?

But the good thing of being so spontaneous and opened the way I am, is that I prefer to wait for a "the moment" to see what happens then and in the meantime all I can think is: no matter if I'll ever meet him again, he was a real short season in my life, on my path. And I won't forget however his eyes, his voice, the way he shook my hand. 5 minutes are nothing, but 5 minutes can make it all... or once again nothing!...and all that will be left will be this post named after him! ;)

Goodnight y'all



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