Sunday, April 4, 2010


Happy Easter everyone!

Here I am for a short blog of the day.

It was a very long one! I got up early this morning to hurry up and doing some things I need to do before leaving to go at my uncle's for lunch (all family was going to have lunch there) and I needed to fix some things for Monday Easter.
It's gonna be crazy with my friends and we gonna have some fun for sure!
Today it was a nice day (up till now). I love my family and we're a lot!!!! So its always messy and loud and there's lotta food and lotta kids around. We ate, chatted, played cards and enjoyed some time!

Now in bit I'm gonna leave to go to my friend, Steph and I'll have a sleepover there. I have everything packed (I had to do everything this morning and since I wont be back home anymore by this week, I had to take everything even for school and so on) and looks like I'm leaving for a looooong vacation....but it's just I'm going at my friend and then later to my uni flat!

Was a good day! And now I'm just writing the all of this while my uncles and aunties are watching me and asking me questions and saying silly things to me *lol* they're making me laugh!
Crazy family!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Now i'm gonna go off! Once again I'm in hurry today...pfff..... I can't wait to relax and rest and enojy some crazy girls' time!!!!!!!!!!!!

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